Send a camera (or other animated object) from Houdini to Fusion. This is a work in progress, but it works, so I figured it’s worth making available in case anyone’s…

A handy little depth of field visualiser. Hang it off the bottom of a camera object, and it’ll create a couple of frames in the scene showing what’ll be in…

Unlikely anyone but me needs this, but just in case: a Houdini script to copy camera animation to the clipboard as a Blender-flavour Python script. Select a camera (or camera…

New page: a useful wrangle for when you need to render lots of tiny glowing particles, sparks, fireworks, UI stuff, star-fields etc. Helping the renderer with tiny particles
Thought I’d better try writing this up as it took me bloody ages to get my head round it. Situation: you have an object that you want lots of instances…
The node editor snaps nodes to an invisible grid, by default, to help you keep things tidy. But enabling the grid lines (Node editor -> Tools -> Show Grid /…
Should be called “Point Looker” really. Super simple really, just a time-saver if you keep need certain looks, which I found I did. Plug some points in the top and…
I use AE for comping stuff, so once I’ve rendered something out of Houdini, I usually need the camera animation data in AE to line flares etc up. This Python script,…
You can control a POP Source’s birth rate using an emission attribute, but it only works with primitive attributes, not points. Bit of a pain. Often I just want to…
Sometimes you need each instance of an HDA to have a random seed for internal use. Sometimes you just can’t be arsed to do it yourself. This’ll do it –…