Should be called “Point Looker” really. Super simple really, just a time-saver if you keep need certain looks, which I found I did. Plug some points in the top and this will create Alpha / Cd / pscale attributes. Set colour from a ramp, or from a base colour and then hue/sat/val variance; Alpha over age or from a custom attribute; Size based on mass, or a ramp based distribution.
And a “Create specials” option, which takes some proportion of your particles (best not too many) and gives you some extra controls. Handy for making a few odd differently coloured or extra bright particles to spice up the mix, like in the top image.
Colours can be cycled through the ramps too, to add a bit of life.
No guarantees, may not function as advertised, may burn down your house. But it’s reasonably well documented if you dive inside, and most of the parameters have hover-text help. If you’re happy with that, download: com.howiem__h_particle_look__1.8.hdalc