Just curious how well browsers (esp mobile browsers) cope with 60fps video – and it’s a chance to compare 30fps and 60fps. Same scene + render settings on the left…
Just curious how well browsers (esp mobile browsers) cope with 60fps video – and it’s a chance to compare 30fps and 60fps. Same scene + render settings on the left…
Quick CHOPS test – driving a bird’s wings with MIDI information. Banged a quick tune into Logic, then tapped a simple rhythm into a separate (inaudible) MIDI channel, and used…
No keyframes were used to create this: it’s a MIDI file recorded from my keyboard, stuffed into a mad CHOPs network in Houdini to handle all the timings and animation…
Quick project: a programmable split-flap display. You can choose how many character modules you want, then program it with a series of strings (eg “GRAPHICS”) and durations per string, and…
A corporate project from a few years back: a narrative animation, character-driven, with cel-rendered characters within a 3D world. Several times we used crash cutaways to help explain parts of…
Send a camera (or other animated object) from Houdini to Fusion. This is a work in progress, but it works, so I figured it’s worth making available in case anyone’s…
A handy little depth of field visualiser. Hang it off the bottom of a camera object, and it’ll create a couple of frames in the scene showing what’ll be in…
Unlikely anyone but me needs this, but just in case: a Houdini script to copy camera animation to the clipboard as a Blender-flavour Python script. Select a camera (or camera…
New page: a useful wrangle for when you need to render lots of tiny glowing particles, sparks, fireworks, UI stuff, star-fields etc. Helping the renderer with tiny particles
Thought I’d better try writing this up as it took me bloody ages to get my head round it. Situation: you have an object that you want lots of instances…